oa A.A. van Ruler als netwerker
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: DNK : Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse kerkgeschiedenis na 1800, Volume 45, Issue 96, Jul 2022, p. 89 - 116
- 01 Jul 2022
Arnold Albert van Ruler (1908-1970) was one of the leading theologians in the Dutch Reformed Church in the second half of the twentieth century. After having worked as a minister in Kubaard (1933-1940) and Hilversum (1940-1947) he was professor at the University of Utrecht (1947-1970). Characteristic for van Ruler is his way of networking among students and ministers. At least three examples can be given.
Several times during the years in Kubaard, theological students from the University of Groningen were invited for a conference in the parsonage. The pattern repeated itself during the years in Hilversum. Participating students called themselves the ‘Hilversumse theologenclub’ (Hilversum club of theologians); sixteen of them could be identified. From 1941-1947 they discussed texts written by Van Ruler himself. As a professor Van Ruler and his wife used to pay visits to ministers, who had graduated from Utrecht University. During a week in the summer they made a trip from parsonage to parsonage by bike.