Volume 47, Issue 101
  • ISSN: 0923-7771
  • E-ISSN: 2665-9492



This contribution considers the (1932) as a witness to ecclesial and theological transformation in the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands in the interbellum. It shows how in this period a broadly supported new theological paradigm was developed for this church that was both expressive of the ‘Old Catholic’ theological program as it had been developed towards the end of the nineteenth century and ecumenically viable, as it enjoyed a very positive reception beyond the boundaries of the Old Catholic Church as well. The development of the theological reasoning in the is demonstrated with reference to correspondence, in particular concerning that of its main author, the later Archbishop of Utrecht Andreas Rinkel (1889-1979), thereby also shedding light on this theologian, who would come to shape the Old Catholic tradition in a very significant manner.


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