Volume 33, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0960-2720
  • E-ISSN: 2666-9730



The revival that came to Ireland, especially the north of Ireland, in 1859, had a major impact and created much interest. Over 150 years later, the significance of this revival is still being talked about and studied. This article looks at the background to what happened, gives space to some of the voices in the revival, and covers both advocates and critics. Much of the evidence on which the article draws is primary source material from the time of the revival or soon afterwards. The influence in different denominations is examined. After utilising testimonies and opinions from the time of the events, subsequent studies, largely scholarly studies, that have a bearing on the revival are considered. The intention of the article is to bring together various strands that help to give an understanding of the episodes themselves and the way these have been evaluated.


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Keyword(s): 1859; Ireland; revival
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