Volume 26, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0779-7397
  • E-ISSN:



What can a slow and by definition static medium such as sculpture signify in our rapidly changing world? This question is central to the work and research of sculptor Nicolas Baeyens. As a visual artist, he explores the varying conditions of the work of art between creation and destruction. What happens when destruction becomes part of the process of creation? Can the work of art be stripped of its static character by enrolling it in a cyclical system of recuperation and recycling? According to Baeyens, each work of art eventually constitutes a metamorphosis in the viewer’s memory. In this contribution, he illustrates that destruction and recycling are closely related by drawing connections between destructive art from the 1960s onwards and his own transformational projects.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): (auto)destructie; cyclisch; metamorfose
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