Volume 74, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0165-2346
  • E-ISSN: 2773-1847


For a long time, the argument has been made that the quest for the historical Jesus is from the outset because the sources do not provide direct access, and the true course of events cannot be ascertained. Others have dismissed the attempt to investigate the historical Jesus as because the four evangelists already proclaim the true Jesus, or they have deemed the entire endeavor because faith is not about the historical Jesus but about the Christ of faith. And a few believe that seeking the words of Scripture to discover (Ranke) is an act of or even blasphemy. Despite these skeptical voices, the question of the historical Jesus is once again brought to the forefront here (in two parts), building on recent research and with a particular focus on methodological questions. Is the historical Jesus making a comeback?


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