oa ‘Een beetje muziek en de hele rest’
Literatuur en muziek op vinyl en cd: een inventarisatie
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis, Volume 28, Issue 1, Aug 2021, p. 120 - 142
When record players became more widely available, authors and publishers began to investigate the potential uses of the new medium. Poets would record readings of their work, a younger generation experimented with sound effects and music, and live recordings of festivals became available. The relation between music and literature is multidimensional; this article focuses mainly on the use of music as a means to support the presentation of literature. My perspective is informed by the question: To what extent can the use of recorded music enhance the literary experience? The article describes the work of several publishers or other corporations. Artistic merit or musical quality are not the focus per se: this is about music as a means to an end. Although some of the results are interesting, there are surprisingly few places where the two actually meet. The explanation for these modest results can be found in artistic as well as commercial factors.