oa Hollandse helden. Gemeenschap en natie in middlebrowromans
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Letterkunde, Volume 18, Issue 3, Dec 2013, p. 147 - 160
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This article proposes a new approach to middlebrow novels, focused on ideological topics and social functioning. As a demonstration of this approach two very popular middlebrow novels are analyzed on the keyword ‘Dutch’ (Hollands) and a network of related terms: Hollands glorie (1940) by Jan de Hartog and Die van ons (1945) by Willy Corsari. It is argued that these novels express norms and values on social solidarity and national community, in the narration as well as thematically. These values were hold broadly and strongly in the 1930s and 1940s. By giving shape to these central norms the novels could fulfill essential social needs and fundamental psychological functions. The novels meet the middlebrow program that advocated a view on literature as a binding force in society.