oa Duinrellen en duinwateringen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Historische Geografie, Volume 5, Issue 2, Jan 2020, p. 113 - 116
Water from the dunes: ‘duinrellen’
Duinrel is the local term for a small stream in the coastal dunes of Holland, particularly in the Kennemerland region. A duinrel flows from the dune into the lower area inland. This clear water has been used by people for different purposes: making paper, bleaching linen, brewing beer etc. They were also used by the many gardens and estates as well as by market gardeners. In the southern part of Holland, many duinrellen have been adapted and were changed into straight channels (Dutch: wateringen). For their management it is necessary to see them as partly natural, partly cultural landscape features.