oa De Mauritslinie langs de IJssel
Cultuurhistorie in het huidige landschap
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Historische Geografie, Volume 6, Issue 3, Jan 2021, p. 282 - 305
The Mauritsline on the IJssel border. A cultural-historical structure in the present landscape
At the end of the 16th century the Dutch Republic formed its outer borders alongside the major rivers. Prince Maurits instigated the build of 26 defensive structures (schansen, redoubts) on the IJssel border. Due to a lack of documentation, little is known of the location and the remains of these structures. This article is a first step to start to locate these former border posts. A list with a description of the locations was the starting point. Old maps, aerial photos and landscape biotopes were used to locate the redoubts. After the location of the structures this article proposes to develop a cultural-historical experience of the former ‘Maurits IJssellinie’, which can be done in several ways. It is an important story in the history of the beginning of the Dutch Republic.