oa Nederland Schoon
De bijdrage van land art aan de schoonheid van het landschap
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Historische Geografie, Volume 7, Issue 3, Sep 2022, p. 210 - 225
- 01 Sep 2022
Dutch beauty. The contribution of land art to the beauty of the landscape
For centuries the Dutch man-made landscape was famous worldwide for its scenic beauty. In recent decades the countryside has been taken over by ugliness. It makes one wonder whether the creation of a beautiful environment receives enough attention in policy making and landscape design. In this article, the distinctive features of scenic beauty are being explored and an overview is given on how land art has contributed to the creation of scenic beauty and meaningful places in the last 50 years. Next to landscape architects it is argued that land artists can contribute to the beauty of our future landscapes.
© Dré van Marrewijk