Volume 8 Number 4
  • ISSN: 2468-2187
  • E-ISSN: 2468-2195



The 40th anniversary of the () prompted the editors to take stock of the 517 articles published in and its predecessor the () since 1983 and provide metadata on author(s), main topic, keywords, period covered, location and scale level. The article is a follow-up to an earlier retrospective from 2007, which marked the journal’s 25th anniversary. The editors look back at the change of publishers, the composition of the editorial board and the content development of the journal. The format of the journal has remained very stable over the years, despite major institutional developments in the field. The editors expect that the demand for historical-geographical interpretation will continue to exist and are committed to continuing to build bridges between (academic) researchers, amateurs and students over the next 40 years.


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