Volume 9 Number 1
  • ISSN: 2468-2187
  • E-ISSN: 2468-2195



By order of King William , a canal between Den Haag and Scheveningen was dug through the dunes, from 1830 to 1862. The idea was to take polluted water to the sea, to create a harbour and to make journeys with inland steamers with tourists to the beach possible. However, all this was not accomplished because the waterboard of Delfland was against cutting through the sea dunes and the fishing boat owners wanted to keep harbouring on the beach. The canal was later completed because it became important for shipping tons with salted herring to the hinterland. To pay for the digging there where three excavations for sandmining. The sand was used to raise the peaty parts of the city Den Haag to build houses. One of the sandmining spots was the Waterpartij (water ponds) where after the stripping of sand, the land was not used for agriculture but to make a park with walking lanes surrounded by nice villas and hotels. In World War ii the area was heavily damaged and deforested. After the war the Waterpartij was renewed with a city highway alongside and is now well known for the Indië Monument.


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