Volume 16, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1388-3186
  • E-ISSN: 2352-2437


This article focuses on the phenomenon of men’s engagement with gender equality and what scholars in the field of critical studies of men and masculinities (CSMM) have called profeminist antiviolence activism. The main aim of profeminist antiviolence men’s groups is to raise gender awareness among men in order to involve them in the making of a more egalitarian society. Their primary action is aimed at eradicating male violence against women. This article presents how this type of collective engagement is emerging in the contexts of contemporary Italy and Spain, and draws upon research conducted by the author among the members of the Italian men’s network Maschile Plurale http://www. maschileplurale.it/ and the Spanish men’s Asociación de Hombres por la Igualdad de Género (AHIGE) http://www.ahige.org/.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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