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- Volume 16, Issue 4, 2013
Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies - Volume 16, Issue 4, 2013
Volume 16, Issue 4, 2013
‘Het voelt zo minderwaardig’ - Een analyse van vragen over gender uit de vragenrubriek van Refoweb
Authors: Aart van Drie, Ruard Ganzevoort & Mark SpieringThe orthodox protestant christian website Refoweb offers an anonymous form of pastoral care. Visitors of the website have the opportunity to submit questions to the questions section. In this article, questions about gender are analyzed. Questions deal about women’s clothing and the problem women experience with the idea that man is the head of the wife. From a dualistic point of view, males are associated with the mind and spirit and females are associated with the body. Some questioners experience this as inferior and oppressive. Questioners articulate their agency within the context of orthodox Protestantism.
Storming The Hague - The 1930 Campaign for Independent Nationality for Women Regardless of Marital Status
More LessMarried women’s independent nationality was the lead issue among feminists in and around the League of Nations for most of the 1930s. This campaign began a process of acknowledgement of women’s rights as a serious international issue which women themselves had a right to shape. The international feminist campaign for independent nationality for wives began in 1930, in connection with a League sponsored legal conference in The Hague. It then moved to the League of Nations itself, as feminist activists descended on Geneva to try and halt ratification of the conference findings. Although they failed, the issue remained alive into and through the early years of the United Nations, where independent nationality for women regardless of marital status ultimately was achieved. This contribution will recount the interwar history of this feminist project, focusing on the international dimension of this campaign, and highlighting in particular forgotten key actor(s) from the Americas and the Easts.
To fight or not to fight? - De representatie van vrouwelijke judoka’s in de Verenigde Staten tijdens de periode 1965 – 1979
More LessThis article discusses the way in which female judokas were depicted in the United States of America during the period 1965 – 1979 by means of articles from the American magazine Black Belt. By investigating this formative period in women’s judo this article provides information about the historical processes of gender exclusion in sports and how this was handled. Three time periods were distinguished that witnessed a correlation between sports journalism and the reality on the field. On the one hand the articles in Black Belt emphasized the female appearances of the judokas during the entire time period. This indicates that the traditional stereotypes were not breached, despite the changing reality on the field. On the other hand the contributions demonstrated the athletic talents of the female judokas and some clearly supported the emancipation of women in judo. Consequently this article shows how at the same time Black Belt functioned as a channel that supported and questioned the perception of sports as a ‘masculine’ domain..
Men’s antiviolence activism - The case of two men’s networks in contemporary Italy and Spain
More LessThis article focuses on the phenomenon of men’s engagement with gender equality and what scholars in the field of critical studies of men and masculinities (CSMM) have called profeminist antiviolence activism. The main aim of profeminist antiviolence men’s groups is to raise gender awareness among men in order to involve them in the making of a more egalitarian society. Their primary action is aimed at eradicating male violence against women. This article presents how this type of collective engagement is emerging in the contexts of contemporary Italy and Spain, and draws upon research conducted by the author among the members of the Italian men’s network Maschile Plurale http://www. maschileplurale.it/ and the Spanish men’s Asociación de Hombres por la Igualdad de Género (AHIGE) http://www.ahige.org/.
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