oa LHBTI1-discriminatie en werk
Mechanismen en de rol van vakbonden
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, Volume 22, Issue 3, Sep 2019, p. 271 - 279
- 01 Sep 2019
As a result of a changing mentality in the 1980s in the Netherlands, the dismissal of workers because of their sexual orientation started to raise public indignation and contributed to the creation of lesbian/gay (later: LGBTI) groups in trade unions. Since then, discriminatory dismissals have become outlawed. These union groups, however, had and still have a broader agenda: inclusiveness in collective labour agreements and improving the social climate at work are major issues. Issues that still need to be studied include discrimination and exclusion mechanisms faced by bisexual and by intersex workers and how unions can stand up against these.
© 2019 Amsterdam University Press