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- Volume 41, Issue 3, 2019
Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing - Volume 41, Issue 3, 2019
Volume 41, Issue 3, 2019
Effecten van narrativiteit in educatieve teksten
Authors: Nina Sangers, Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul, Ted Sanders & Hans HoekenAbstractThis study aims to gain more insight into narrativity in the educational domain. Based on earlier research, we define three prototypical narrative elements (i.e., the presence of particularized events, an experiencing character, and a landscape of consciousness), and present an analytic model that illustrates how varying combinations of these elements occur in Dutch educational materials for Social Studies and Science. Using this model, we then analyze experimental texts from previous studies on the effects of narrativity on text comprehension and recall. We demonstrate that experimental narrative texts nearly always exhibit all prototypical narrative elements, while their expository counterparts also contain some narrative elements and thus are not purely expository. In addition, we show that no consistent patterns can be found in the results of the selected experimental studies, and that the data at hand therefore do not allow for strong conclusions about the effects of narrativity in educational texts. Finally, we discuss the limitations of previous as well as the present research and the implications for future research.
“Mijn stoma is een #superstoma”
Authors: Joyce Lamerichs & Charlotte van HooijdonkAbstractIn this article we present a micro-analysis of 27 English blogs of people who reflect on their illness experience and the ostomy surgery they had to undergo as a result of that illness. We adopt an approach based on two related perspectives: conversation analysis and discursive psychology. Both perspectives consider language as a tool for social action. Our findings demonstrate that the discourse of the blogs serves three important social functions. First, the bloggers are able to describe how they have managed their ill-health for a long time, and how ostomy surgery became an inevitable next step. Second, bloggers can demonstrate their acceptance of the ostomy bag in embodied and personified ways (e.g., naming their bag) as well as emphasizing a return to a new normal. Third, ostomates present their stoma as a transformational occurrence. They do so by emphasizing extraordinary achievements in their lives after their stoma surgery and by displaying a strong normative claim to act as a role model. With this micro-analysis we have attempted to uncover how ostomates engage in identity work vis-à-vis their illness and how this is accomplished in the discourse of their blogs. This fine-grained analysis may be of importance to fellow ostomates and medical professionals, as it highlights the main concerns of ostomates in their experiential account of ostomy surgery.
Ouders als helden
Authors: José Sanders, Kobie van Krieken & Lisa VandebergAbstractThis article addresses the questions if and how storytelling in health education can counterbalance the declining willingness to vaccinate. It is argued that stories in health communication can both create problems ánd provide solutions. The problems are illustrated with an analysis of online personal stories of parents who doubt or deny the necessity of vaccinating their children. The analysis shows how these stories put health care providers in the archetypical role of Ruler who deprives parents from their agency. Narrator and reader are put into the archetypical role of Good Mother, implying that not vaccinating is the only possibility to regain agency and be a responsible parent. Responses to these stories by the government and health care providers are typically formulated in terms of factual, statistical information that is usually incapable of convincing vaccine-hesitant and vaccine-rejecting parents. A narrative approach can be a powerful alternative, provided that stories are first listened to before tailored stories are developed and told. These stories can unite different views about the possibilities to act and the consequences thereof, and can transform parents into Heroes protecting not only their own children but also the children of others. Such “story bridging” combines different types of stories in an interactive storytelling model for health education, which does justice to the target groups’ growing need for agency.
Beïnvloedt een meer of minder sympathieke protagonist de transportatie van de lezer?
AbstractDoes a more or less sympathetic protagonist influence transportation of the reader? Two new replication studies
Three previous studies into presenting a protagonist in a story as more or less sympathetic have not provided a clear picture of the effects that the portrayal of the protagonist may have on transportation, and via transportation on story-consistent beliefs. Results from a first study (N = 83) by De Graaf and Hustinx (2015) suggest that the way the protagonist is portrayed – as sympathetic, unsympathetic or neutral – influences the extent to which readers are transported into a story. No significant effects on beliefs of the readers were found, however. In a direct replication study (N = 79) and in a conceptual replication study (N = 81), Jansen, Nederhoff, and Ooms (2017) found results that supported the hypotheses from the original study to a limited extent. In view of the relatively small numbers of participants in these three studies and the resulting limited power of the statistical tests two new, larger-scaled replication studies were conducted. A direct replication study was performed (N = 238) with the same versions of the story as used in the original study, and also a conceptual replication study (N = 248) with three versions of a new story. Again, the hypotheses from the original study were supported to a limited extent. A meta-analysis of all five studies revealed a large indirect positive effect of story version on transportation via empathy, when comparing the versions with a sympathetic protagonist with the versions with an unsympathetic protagonist. When comparing the neutral story versions with the versions with an unsympathetic protagonist, the meta-analytic indirect effect was medium sized. Other than what the Affective Disposition Theory (Raney, 2004; Zillmann, 1994; 2006) claims, the story versions with a neutral protagonist did not lead to an absence of emotional responses. Furthermore, the outcomes add to the Transportation-Imagery Model (Green & Brock, 2002; Van Laer, De Ruyter, Visconti, & Wetzels, 2014). While this model does not include concrete suggestions of story characteristics that lead to transportation, our studies show that a protagonist who is portrayed as sympathetic may contribute to the level of transportation that readers experience, be it indirectly through empathy.
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Fatale spelfouten?
Authors: Frank Jansen & Daniël Janssen
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