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- Volume 45, Issue 1, 1991
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 45, Issue 1, 1991
Volume 45, Issue 1, 1991
Verdreven, vrijgelaten of gevlucht?
By M. DijkstraAbstractThe stela of Sethnakht from Elephantine (ca. 1185 BC) sheds new light on the obscure period of transition between the 19th and 20th dynasty in Egypt. Together with the great Papyrus Harris, the stela is used as evidence to reconstruct the historical background of the exodus of Israel from Egypt. Some scholars identify Chancellor Beya, a man of Asiatic origin, with the Syrian usurpator of the Papyrus Harris and even with Moses, because of his command to despoil the Egyptians (Ex. 11:2-3; 12:35-36). This study is an essay to show with the help of a tradition-historical analysis of the context of this particular passage that this motive of despoiling was absent in the oldest written tradition of the exodus. From a historical point of view the identification of Beya with Moses is for the time being very improbable.
De christologie van het vierde evangelie
More LessAbstractFourteen books on the christology of the Fourth Gospel and related fields, which were published in the period 1985-1989, are presented and discussed under five headings: the hermeneutics of the fourth evangelist; syntheses of Johannine christology; literary structure and christology in John; a divine or a human Jesus in John?; some christological themes.
Tatianus en de Nederlanden. De invloed van het Diatessaron op enige Middelnederlandse levens van Jezus
More LessAbstractThe influence of the patristic literature upon medieval christian literature is very large, especially the influence of Tatian’s Diatessaron. In this article the author gives some examples of the influence of this work on medieval Dutch Lives of Jesus, viz. Vanden Levene ons Heren and Dat lyden ende die passie ons Heren Jhesu Christi. At first, some remarkable parallels in the word order are discussed, namely those between the ‘Lives of Jesus’ and the versions of the Diatessaron, especially the medieval Dutch version. Secondly, attention is called to passages where the text of the ‘Lives’ agrees with the Diatessarons.
Hedendaags kerkbezoek: de invloed van omgevingsfactoren en individuele kenmerken
Authors: H. Knippenberg & S. de VosAbstractChurch attendance has declined dramatically in the Netherlands during the last thirty years. Two causes can be mentioned. First, the number of people not belonging to any religious denomination has increased considerably. Second, church members are attending church less often. In this article we will show that both membership of a religious denomination and church attendance of those members are influenced by personal and environmental factors, but not in the same way. Besides, there are important differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants with respect to this issue.
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