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- Volume 48, Issue 1, 1994
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 48, Issue 1, 1994
Volume 48, Issue 1, 1994
Johann Jakob Wettstein na 300 jaar: erfenis en opdracht
More Less*Vertaling van de rede gehouden ter gelegenheid van de Wettstein-herdenking aan de universiteit van Basel op 19 april 1993.
AbstractThree hundred years after his birth, Johann Jakob Wettstein (1693-1754) is still an inspiring figure for students of the New Testament. After a short sketch of his life, this article focuses on the abiding importance which the large collection of comparative materials from the ancient Greco-Roman and Jewish world in his great edition of the Greek text of the NT from 1751/52, has for NT texts. Further it traces what scholars after Wettstein have achieved in this field of comparative study, with special attention for the work of the Corpus Hellenisticum Novi Testamenti and the so-called ‘Neue Wettstein’.
Secularisatie als gezichtsbedrog
More Less1Dit artikel is een grondige bewerking van een betoog dat ik in 1992 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen heb gehouden als Paaslezing.
AbstractSecularization, conceived as a process of growing social marginalization of religion, is one of the main topics of the sociology of religion. But how is this process possible, in the light of the many functions ascribed to religion by many classical sociologists? The usual answer is: by virtue of so called functional alternatives. But why are these alternatives so powerful? In this article, the thesis is presented, that the so called functional alternatives are themselves religious. Therefore, a sociological idea of religiosity is developed. According to this idea anything can be religious as it is charged with charismatic emotions. Religiosity is conceived as an anthropological category. Man is an animal religiosum. He needs religiosity in order to keep his worldview stable. When this idea of religiosity is accepted, secularization becomes partly a misconception. Religion and church as social and cultural manifestations of religiosity may fade away, religiosity itself will survive.
Het religionisme beleden en bestreden: recente ontwikkelingen in de Angelsaksische godsdienstwetenschap
More Less1Dit artikel is een bewerking van een referaat uitgesproken op woensdag 29 september 1993 voor het AIO/OIO seminar ‘Stromingen en methoden in de moderne godsdienstwetenschap’ te Ossendrecht.
AbstractReligionism is defined in this article as that position the academic study of religions that claims that the special nature of religion forbids that religions are subjected to explanatory theory of the type pursued in the past in respect of religion in the social sciences. Religionism is one of four attitudes that have been adopted towards religion in the past. I term them theological reductionism, positivist reductionism, religionism, and agnosticism. Having briefly described the first two and the last one and their historical connections, I set out the seven marks of religionism. I discuss its hegemony in the Anglosaxon academy. In most English speaking parts, it is uncontested. I discuss three recent publications from Africa as examples of this situation. The supremacy of religionism in the study of religions has, however, increasingly been contested on the North American continent since a few decades. I survey the most recent phase of that polemic by discussing the argument in favour of it developed by Daniel Pals and the responses to it of Segal and Wiebe. I conclude by pointing out that religionist approaches are found also among social scientists, as are non-religionist ones among scholars of religions.
De relatie tussen hermeneutiek en godsdienstfilosofie bij Schleiermacher
By Ben VedderAbstractIn this article the author explains the relation between Schleiermacher’s concept of hermeneutics and his concept of religion. This relation will be found on the one hand in the open ends which are in his theory on hermeneutics and on the other hand in the remarks on the whole of the universe in his Reden über die Religion. These different texts are usually not compared and read from the same perspective. Schleiermacher’s writings on very diverse subjects do not invite one to investigate the unity of his thoughts. Nevertheless without pretending to grasp the whole of Schleiermacher’s thinking, the author proposes to draw some lines between two themes in Schleiermacher’s thinking that seem unrelated at first sight. At first he explains the hermeneutics of Schleiermacher. Next he points out the relation between hermeneutics and dialectic. Then he explores the philosophy of religion, particularly the idea of the feeling of absolute dependence. And finally he comes back to the tasks and limits of hermeneutics. He concludes that the endless process of hermeneutics is founded in the feeling of absolute dependence from where the finiteness of man is given. The finiteness of man can only be overcome in religion with its possibility of ‘absolute knowledge’. ‘Absolute knowledge’ is only possible beyond finiteness, in the feeling of the whole universe, but that is not hermeneutics.
Pleidooi voor een theologische LAT-relatie
More Less1Bewerking van het afscheidscollege als hoogleraar vanwege de Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk bij de RU te Groningen, gehouden op 2 november 1993.
AbstractIn his valedictory lecture given at Groningen University, Dingemans made as plea for ecclesial theology and religious studies to work together in the public theological faculties, in a relationship of Living Apart Together, because they need each other. Following the anthropologist Clifford Geertz he distinguishes between ‘experiment-near’ and ‘experiment-distant’ concepts. Experiment-near concepts incline towards isolation, using a religious language that is unintelligible for modern people. Experiment-distant concepts may become abstract and unrecognizable for religious people. The heart of a theological faculty should beat in a hermeneutical enterprise of ecclesial theology and religious studies. In practical theology for instance sociological and psychological research asks for a theological interpretation and for a thorough reflection together.
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