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- Volume 8, Issue 4, 2024
De Moderne Tijd - Volume 8, Issue 4, 2024
Volume 8, Issue 4, 2024
- Artikel
Nicolaasmaskerades in Nederland
More LessAbstractNicholas Masquerades in The Netherlands. Thedisappearance of a folk custom during Saint Nicholas’ season between 1875 and 1940
Nowadays the Dutch feast of Saint Nicholas is celebrated in a domestic setting, where family members gather together for an evening to gift each other presents, but this wasn’t always the case. Since centuries there have been descriptions of figures dressed up as terrifying individuals named Saint Nicholas, though they were nothing like the Catholic saint, visiting houses to scare children. Furthermore groups of people roaming the streets were commonly seen, disguised in peculiar clothes with their faces painted black. Between approximately 1875 and 1950 these olden ways of celebrating Saint Nicholas’ feast started to disappear, caused by a complex interplay of factors arising from the process of modernization, This article offers an in depth view on the aspects that played a role in the disappearance of the masquerades.
De Duitse bril van Goeverneur
By Toos StrengAbstractThe German glasses of Goeverneur. Cultural transfer in De Huisvriend, 1843-1871
What was the leading foreign language and culture in The Netherlands during the eighteenth and nineteenth century? French, say a number of researchers. Others emphasise the importance of the German culture, at least in the ‘long’ eighteenth century, when – in the words of Leemans – ‘the German translating machine’ worked overtime. Did the machine stop after 1840? When did the English language and culture gain the upper hand? And how best to answer such questions? As a result of developments on the World Wide Web a type of transfer research is now possible which until recently was inconceivable: that of finding the sources of translated works in nineteenth century periodicals. From the analysis of the content of the widely read and respected one-man periodical De Huisvriend, started in 1843, it appears that for personal and practical, as well as financial reasons, editor Goeverneur used German sources almost exclusively, more specifically: German-language journals in which he recognised his antiliberal ideal of the ‘citizen’. The results cast doubt on the opinion of De Swaan and others that French was the exclusive transnational language of art and literature well into the nineteenth century.
- Beeldessays
Fancy fairs voor en door de wijkverpleging
By Mia VrijensAbstractFancy fairs for and by district nurses
As district nursing in the Netherlands were founded as private organizations and therefore received no government support, their funding depended on membership, donations and other ways to increase their financial means. One popular way that arose early 20th century was crowdfunding through organizing fancy fairs. This article shows two successful examples, one in Rotterdam (1903) and one in the coastal, harbor village of IJmuiden (1906). Both fancy fairs decorated their locations in Asian-theme style which might attracted the attention of the crowd. Its reason and success are described and shown through the pictures found.
Het valse etiket van ouwe stumperds: de karikaturist Mr. Max (1893-1966)
More LessAbstractThe False Label of Old Chaps: the caricaturist Mr. Max (1893-1966)
This article analyses the drawings of the forgotten quick-sketch artist Willem Frederik Keppel Hesselink, perhaps still known to some as Mr. Max. Drawings by quick-sketch artists are rarely preserved; they are usually discarded after a short time, sometimes even by the artist themselves. Mr. Max drew thousands upon thousands of straight lines, curved lines, circles, and so on, until he reached his eureka moment: the perfect line. That was crucial because the audience needed to immediately recognise the person in the drawn portrait or the situation the artist intended to depict. It took several years before he became a regular member of theatrical troupes.
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