Het ethos van de beoefenaar van de godsdienstwetenschap ten aanzien van nieuwe religieuze bewegingen | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 45, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



Studies in the History of Religions have had some impact on the development of religious phenomena. This was never questioned, but also hardly mentioned as a legitimate aim. Does there implicitly exist a ‘practical’ or ‘adapted’ Religionswissenschaft? Or do scholars still favour the traditional ‘epochè’? Many studies of new religious movements in our society often do not show such a scholarly distance, even when they themselves suppose to do so. Is an author in the field of religious studies a ‘defensor religionis’ or should he continue in the footsteps of the Enlightenment? The question concerns such different issues as a scholarly relation with the Unification Church and the study of the search for identity of hinduism in the Netherlands.


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