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- Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022
FORUM+ - Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022
Volume 29, Issue 2, 2022
More LessAbstractIn her PhD research and accompanying publication Pharmakos, Vivi Touloumidi investigates adornment as an active agent to address social discomfort, repression, and marginalization in the public realm. Confrontation through wearability is achieved via the gesture of decoration. Her project appropriates and subverts signs of stigmatization employed during WWII, and through in-depth research it proposes new statement pieces that speak of resilience, emancipation, and self-determination of the social body. The debate remains unsettled.
Verloren gewaande letters
Authors: Evelien Bracke & Christophe Van GerreweyAbstractIn this article, curator Evelien Bracke and writer Christophe van Gerrewey compare the methods and themes from the most recent works of art by Ellen Schroven and the main thoughts present in “Noms de pays: le nom”, a chapter from Marcel Proust’s novel À la recherche du temps perdu (1922). This comparison is centralized around the relationship between words, objects, and locations, and how this relationship can evolve throughout time.
Shaping the fashion of the future & the future of fashion
By Johan PasAbstractAt the national symposium Can Fashion save the world, hosted by Antwerp University and taking place between October 20th and 22nd 2021 in context of the Responsible Fashion Series, Johan Pas held a fiery plea for an engaged fashion practice and the role that fashion- and Art-education can play in this practice.
De letterzetter
More LessAbstractThe Letterzetter [literal English translation: Letterplacer. Referring to the European Spruce Bark Beetle] is an unsightful little beetle that inflicts enormous amounts of damage to European pine forests. The bug quickly becomes an infestation that proves to be fatal for drought-weakend trees during soft winters. The Letterzetter – Ips typographus in Latin – leaves complex tunnel-like structures that resemble an alien alphabet. To better understand what this Bark-beetle-epidemic is trying to tell us, these tunnels will make out the base for a new script: Ips Typography.
I want to speak your body language, or against being
More LessAbstractA text on writing through the body, filming through the body, sensorial cinema, and corporality within the context of dominant ideologies
More LessAbstractThierry De Mey’s Light Music for solo conductor, projection, and interactive device was written in 2004. In 2020, Centre Henri Pousseur, De Mey, and myself decided to rethink and revise the work, updating both the electronics and implementing a more instrumentalized deployment of both the conductor’s role and conductors’ generally recognizable movement repertoire. This paper will delve into the specific manner in which De Mey casts the solo conductor in Light Music and how that role and its sub-roles evolve throughout the piece.