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Gedrag & Organisatie - Volume 18, Issue 1, 2005
Volume 18, Issue 1, 2005
Baanonzekerheid als schending van het psychologisch contract bij vakbondsleden: gevolgen voor vakbondsattitudes en opzegintentie in België en Nederland
Job insecurity as violation of the psychological contract among trade union members: consequences on attitudes towards unions and the intention to resign membership in Belgium and the NetherlandsJob insecurity as violation of the psychological contract among trade union members: consequences on attitudes towards unions and the intention to resign membership in Belgium and the Netherlands
Hans De Witte, Sjoerd Goslinga, Antonio Chirumbolo, Johnny Hellgren, Katharina Näswall & Magnus Sverke, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, February 2005, nr. 1, pp. 1-20
In this article the consequences of job insecurity among union members are explored. Having established that most employees have instrumental motives for joining a union, and using psychological contract theory, we hypothesize that job insecurity among union members correlates with a lower level of perceived union support, lower satisfaction with the union, reduced (affective) commitment towards the union, and a higher intention to resign union membership. These hypotheses were tested in Belgium and the Netherlands. Evidence was found to support the assumed association between job insecurity and a reduction in perceived union support. In Belgium, job insecurity was also associated with reduced union satisfaction and intention to resign membership. In neither country job insecurity was associated with union commitment. These results partly support the hypothesis that union members experience job insecurity as a violation of their psychological contract with the union.
Effecten van demotie op gezondheid en tevredenheid met het werk van oudere werknemers in de sectoren zorg en welzijn
Authors: Edith J.C. Josten & René SchalkEffects of demotion on health and job satisfaction among older employees in health care and social servicesEffects of demotion on health and job satisfaction among older employees in health care and social services
Edith J.C. Josten & René Schalk, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, February 2005, nr. 1, pp. 21-31
Demotion is sometimes recommended as an instrument for increasing older workers' labor force participation. By demoting older workers with health or performance problems to a lower-level job, they are supposed to continue working longer than they would have, had they remained in the same job. A longitudinal questionnaire study among workers in health care and social services shows that older employees who had been demoted, indeed did have more health problems prior to the demotion than older employees who had not changed jobs. The demotion, however, did not reduce these problems, whereas satisfaction with job content decreased. Possible explanations for these findings are that the lower-level jobs are less interesting; that employees experience a loss of status; and that communication with and support of the employees during the job change process have been inadequate.
Rol van fysieke belasting, psychosociale en psychologische factoren bij kort- en langdurende lage rugpijn en ziekteverzuim in een werknemerspopulatie
Authors: Ellen Wijnen, Els Gheldof, J. Bart Staal & Jan VinckThe role of physical strain, psychosocial and psychological factors in relation to temporary and long-lasting lower back pain and sick leave in an occupational settingThe role of physical strain, psychosocial and psychological factors in relation to temporary and long-lasting lower back pain and sick leave in an occupational setting
Ellen Wijnen, Els Gheldof, J. Bart Staal & Jan Vinck, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, February 2005, nr. 1, pp. 32-46
This cross-sectional study examines a number of work related physical, psychosocial and psychological correlates of temporary and long-lasting lower back pain and sick leave among 712 employees of a Belgian metallurgical plant. Associations have been studied through multiple logistic regressions, while controlling for relevant confounders. The main conclusion is that physical strain is related to temporary lower back pain, and that physical strain and psychosocial factors such as job demands, power of decision and social support are associated with long-lasting lower back pain. A remarkable finding is that a lack of power of decision and a high level of fear of movement are significantly related to sick leave. Finally, the results show that the variables psychological job demands and power of decision clearly interact in their effect on sick leave.
Gedrag & Organisatie door de jaren heen: een methodologische rondleiding
Authors: Toon Taris, Jan de Jonge & Jan Fekke YbemaGedrag & Organisatie through the years: What methodological tools do researchers in I/O psychology employ?Gedrag & Organisatie through the years: What methodological tools do researchers in I/O psychology employ?
Toon Taris, Jan de Jonge & Jan Fekke Ybema, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 18, February 2005, nr. 1, pp. 47-57
The present study examines to what extent methodological innovations disseminate to researchers in I/O psychology. First we examined which issues are discussed in the methodological chapters of a variety of introductory and advanced textbooks in the field of I/O psychology. Based on this inventory, we content-analyzed 67 empirical articles that appeared in the Dutch journal Gedrag & Organisatie, in 1990/1991 and 2002/2003. The results show that methodological innovations with regard to the measurement of concepts and design of studies are largely absent. However, researchers seem more open to innovations with regard to analysis of their data. It is concluded that it is desirable that I/O researchers become (re)acquainted with relevant methodological developments.
Jerome Joseph: Industrial Relations. Towards A Theory of Negotiated Connectedness
More LessIndustriële relaties hebben betrekking op zowel contractuele als interpersoonlijke relaties tussen werkgevers en werknemers. Goede industriële relaties kunnen leiden tot een productieve en loyale werksfeer in organisaties. Human resource management-afdelingen hebben de taak om deze relaties voor beide partijen bevredigend te maken zodat er sprake is van betrokkenheid ('connectedness') naar elkaar en naar de organisatie. Gedeeltelijk is deze betrokkenheid vastgelegd in het formele contract, maar er bestaan daarnaast nog tien andere soorten betrokkenheid. Deze worden grofweg verdeeld in rationele en relationele betrokkenheid en beschreven in de eerste negen hoofdstukken. Het tiende hoofdstuk geeft ten slotte een overzicht van alle soorten betrokkenheid, en Jerome Joseph beschrijft een nieuwe theorie. Het boek is met name interessant voor studenten en professionals die werken op het gebied van industriële relaties en HRM, en die de betrokkenheid binnen het bedrijf willen vergroten.
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