oa Leiderschap in organisaties: start van een nieuwe reeks
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 17, Issue 2, Jun 2004,
For decades, leadership has been a central theme in international social sciences studies. The central focus varies from leadership styles, to perceptions of leadership and personality traits of leaders. Another subject that has been examined using various methods is the effect of leaders on performance and attitudes of employees. Attention has also been given to the impact of various aspects of the context in which leaders work. Ever since its first issue was published, Gedrag & Organisatie has printed all kinds of articles on leadership. In the upcoming issues of Gedrag & Organisatie a series of articles will be published on developments in current leadership research in Dutch speaking regions. As an introduction to the series this article reviews leadership research as conducted to date, based on articles that have been published in Gedrag & Organisatie over the years.