oa Impliciete leiderschapstheorieën en de perceptie van transformationeel leiderschap: een replicatie van Duits onderzoek
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 17, Issue 2, Jun 2004,
Implicit leadership theories and the perception of transformational leadership: a replication of German research
Birgit Schyns & Karin Sanders, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 17, April 2004, nr. 2, pp. 143-154.
Results of a German study show that implicit leadership theories do influence the evaluation of leaders. In this article the German study is replicated in a Dutch situation. In an experimental setting, the effects of two implicit leadership theories, Romance of Leadership and transformational leadership, on the evaluation of a described leader were tested. The experiment was conducted as a two-point design: At time point one 81 Dutch students were questioned about their implicit leadership theories and at time point two the students evaluated descriptions of either a transformational or a transactional leader. As hypothesized (hypothesis 1) transformational leadership as an implicit leadership theory (ILT) has an effect on perceptions of the described leader. Hypothesis 2 could not be confirmed: Romance of leadership has no significant influence on perceptions of the described leader.