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- Volume 17, Issue 2, 2004
Gedrag & Organisatie - Volume 17, Issue 2, 2004
Volume 17, Issue 2, 2004
Redactioneel: het maken van een Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift
Het voorliggende G&O-nummer is het laatste dat totstandgekomen is onder verantwoordelijkheid van de redactie zoals die eind 2000 werd samengesteld. Achter het volgende nummer staat een redactie in nieuwe samenstelling. Irene Houtman heeft haar lidmaatschap beëindigd, nadat ze zich jarenlang onder meer had ingezet om de vruchtbare samenwerking tussen G&O en TNO-Arbeid gaande te houden. Voorts treden Wim van Breukelen en Ben Emans terug als eindredacteur respectievelijk redactievoorzitter. De nieuwe redactie staat onder voorzitterschap van René Schalk, bij de lezers van G&O vooral bekend van het themanummer van 2002 over psychologische contracten, terwijl het eindredacteurschap behartigd gaat worden door een drietal redactieleden samen met de voorzitter, te weten Jan de Jonge en – voor de continuïteit – Wim van Breukelen en Ben Emans. Nieuw in de redactie zijn verder Onne Janssen en Jan-Fekke Ybema, de laatste als TNO-Arbeid-opvolger van Irene Houtman.
Bevlogenheid: een begrip gemeten
Authors: Wilmar B. Schaufeli & Arnold B. BakkerWork Engagement: The measurement of a conceptWork Engagement: The measurement of a concept
Wilmar B. Schaufeli & Arnold B. Bakker, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 17, April 2004, nr. 2, pp 89-112.
The first part of this article reviews research on work engagement, a concept that has recently been introduced as the antipode of burnout. Engaged workers are vigorous and dedicated, and totally absorbed by their work. Typically, research on work engagement uses the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), which psychometric qualities seem to be confirmed by numerous (inter)national studies. However, a more detailed and systematic study on psychometric qualities of UWES has not yet been performed. Therefore, the second part of this article discusses the results of UWES analyses, performed on a database consisting of almost 10.000 Dutch speaking (i.e. Dutch and Flemish) workers. The study shows that the three subscales of the UWES (i.e. vigor, dedication and absorption) are sufficiently internally consistent and that the three-factor structure fits the data better than the alternative one-factor structure. Nevertheless, the three subscales are highly interrelated. Although weaker than expected, the subscales of the UWES correlate negatively with those of the UBOS (Utrecht Burnout Scale), the Dutch version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Furthermore, scores on the UWES are significantly and positively correlated with age; male and Flemish employees feel more engaged than female and Dutch employees, respectively; and some professional groups (e.g. managers) score higher on work engagement than other groups (e.g. blue collar workers). However, although statistically significant, practically speaking these differences are irrelevant. Hence, no age, gender, occupation or nation specific UWES-norms are presented. It is concluded that the 15-item UWES – of which also a 9-item shortened version exists – is a reliable and valid self-report tool to measure the concept of work engagement.
De reeks 'werk en privé': een terugblik
Authors: Sabine A.E. Geurts, Toon W. Taris & Christel G. RutteHet combineren van 'werk en privé' trekt nog steeds veel belangstelling van onderzoekers. De tweede editie van het in 2003 verschenen Handbook of Work & Health Psychology bevat bijvoorbeeld een hoofdstuk over dit onderwerp (Geurts & Demerouti, 2003), daar waar in de in 1996 verschenen eerste editie een hoofdstuk over dit thema nog ontbrak. Ook de Amerikaanse pendant van dit Europese handboek, het Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology, bevat een state-of-the-art-overzicht van onderzoek op het terrein van 'werk en privé' (Frone, 2003). De redactie van Gedrag & Organisatie had kennelijk een vooruitziende blik toen ze in 2001 besloot speciale aandacht te geven aan Nederlands en Vlaams onderzoek op het terrein van 'werk en privé', in de vorm van een reeks over dit thema.
Determinanten van solidair gedrag binnen moderne organisaties: een terugblik
Authors: Karin Sanders, Ben Emans & Ferry KosterDeterminants of solidarity behavior in modern organizationsDeterminants of solidarity behavior in modern organizations
Karin Sanders, Ben Emans & Ferry Koster, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 17, April 2004, nr. 2, pp. 120-130.
Based on the articles published in the 'Solidarity at Work' series during the last year, this article presents a theoretical analysis of solidarity behavior. In analogy with the motivation-theory of Alderfer (1972) a distinction is made between material, social and intrinsic benefits of solidarity behavior. In addition, two factors that stimulate solidarity are distinguished: instrumentality, the chance that solidarity leads to a specific benefit, and valence, the value of that benefit. The determinants of solidarity behavior, as examined in the series of Solidarity at Work, are discussed in the context of this framework. Finally, the practical implications of the theoretical analysis and consequences for society are discussed.
Leiderschap in organisaties: start van een nieuwe reeks
Authors: Deanne N. den Hartog, Paul L. Koopman & Claartje VinkenburgFor decades, leadership has been a central theme in international social sciences studies. The central focus varies from leadership styles, to perceptions of leadership and personality traits of leaders. Another subject that has been examined using various methods is the effect of leaders on performance and attitudes of employees. Attention has also been given to the impact of various aspects of the context in which leaders work. Ever since its first issue was published, Gedrag & Organisatie has printed all kinds of articles on leadership. In the upcoming issues of Gedrag & Organisatie a series of articles will be published on developments in current leadership research in Dutch speaking regions. As an introduction to the series this article reviews leadership research as conducted to date, based on articles that have been published in Gedrag & Organisatie over the years.For decades, leadership has been a central theme in international social sciences studies. The central focus varies from leadership styles, to perceptions of leadership and personality traits of leaders. Another subject that has been examined using various methods is the effect of leaders on performance and attitudes of employees. Attention has also been given to the impact of various aspects of the context in which leaders work. Ever since its first issue was published, Gedrag & Organisatie has printed all kinds of articles on leadership. In the upcoming issues of Gedrag & Organisatie a series of articles will be published on developments in current leadership research in Dutch speaking regions. As an introduction to the series this article reviews leadership research as conducted to date, based on articles that have been published in Gedrag & Organisatie over the years.
Impliciete leiderschapstheorieën en de perceptie van transformationeel leiderschap: een replicatie van Duits onderzoek
Authors: Birgit Schyns & Karin SandersImplicit leadership theories and the perception of transformational leadership: a replication of German researchImplicit leadership theories and the perception of transformational leadership: a replication of German research
Birgit Schyns & Karin Sanders, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 17, April 2004, nr. 2, pp. 143-154.
Results of a German study show that implicit leadership theories do influence the evaluation of leaders. In this article the German study is replicated in a Dutch situation. In an experimental setting, the effects of two implicit leadership theories, Romance of Leadership and transformational leadership, on the evaluation of a described leader were tested. The experiment was conducted as a two-point design: At time point one 81 Dutch students were questioned about their implicit leadership theories and at time point two the students evaluated descriptions of either a transformational or a transactional leader. As hypothesized (hypothesis 1) transformational leadership as an implicit leadership theory (ILT) has an effect on perceptions of the described leader. Hypothesis 2 could not be confirmed: Romance of leadership has no significant influence on perceptions of the described leader.
Call for papers
Het onderscheid tussen zomaar een mening (ZOM) en een wetenschappelijk feit is gelegen in de fundering van de betreffende uitspraak. Waar ZOM gebaseerd kan zijn op een incidentele observatie of een vaag gevoel, zijn wetenschappelijke feiten de resultante van gedegen (controleerbaar, repliceerbaar en inzichtelijk) onderzoek. Van wetenschappelijke feiten mag je verwachten dat ze de waarheid benaderen (p < .05); van ZOMs willen we misschien dat ze waar zijn, maar dat zal nog moeten blijken – bijvoorbeeld door middel van wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat aan de gebruikelijke wetenschappelijke criteria voldoet.
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