oa De onstuitbare opkomst van de werkende vrouw
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 21, Issue 1, Mar 2005,
The irrepressible advance of working women
The irrepressible advance of working women
In this research note we gather the information about differences in labour market position between men and women that is scattered throughout the report ‘De kwalitatieve structuur van de werkgelegenheid in Nederland, deel V’ and re-analyse some of the data. The main findings are that in 2000 the difference between men and women with regard to overeducation has disappeared and that in 2000 the differences in job levels disappeared, too. Furthermore we found evidence that young women have higher job levels than young men in 2000. Only the glass ceiling holds the advancement of women back.
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