oa Over de samenhang tussen herstructureringen, baanonzekerheid en prestaties van werknemers
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 22, Issue 4, Dec 2006,
On the association between restructuring, job insecurity and performance
This study analyses whether a plant restructuring affects the technical and social performance of employees, and their perception of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity. Quantitative job insecurity refers to the perceived continuity of the actual job, whereas qualitative job insecurity refers to the perceived continuity of valued job characteristics. Finally, the association of both forms of job insecurity with (technical and social) performance is studied, as well as the mediating role of job insecurity in the relationship between restructuring and performance. Data of 294 respondents are used to test the hypotheses. The results show that the confrontation with a restructuring is related with lower (technical and social) performance and with quantitative (but not qualitative) job insecurity. Both forms of insecurity are associated with reduced (technical and social) performance. We only find mediation regarding quantitative job insecurity and technical performance: a restructuring is associated with the fear that one might lose the job, which in turn lowers the technical performance of the employees involved.