oa Fysiologische stressmetingen in de werksituatie: nut, beperkingen en bevindingen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 22, Issue 3, Sep 2009,
Physiological stress measures at work: relevance, limitations, and findings
L. van Doornen & J. Houtveen, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, September 2009, nr. 3, pp. 275-293
Physiological stress measures should only to a limited extent be considered as 'objective' indices of subjectively experienced work stress. Their contribution should mainly be sought in the quantification of the load on the body exerted by stress, the latter being the mediator of the health effects of work stress. For the most widely used physiological parameters in the field of work stress – blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac autonomic indices, adrenalin and cortisol – their physiology is described, their measurement techniques outlined, and an overall picture furnished with respect to differences observed between high- and low-work stress populations. Finally some suggestions are given with respect to future directions this field may take: focus on individual differences in physiological stress-sensitivity; quantification of recovery, and quantification of the effects of individual or workplace interventions.