oa De oudere werknemer na de kredietcrisis
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 25, Issue 1, Mar 2009,
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The effect of demands and resources on work stress in the Netherlands and Flanders
In this article, four large samples of the Dutch (2002 and 2004) and Flemish (2004 and 2007) working population are used to test the robustness of a research model, based on the Job Demands-Resources model. The aim is to find empirical evidence for the context independence and generalisability of the main and interaction effects in the model. Results are compared both in time and between regions. The hypothesised main effects proved to be significant in all four datasets: job demands induce and job resources reduce work related stress. No empirical evidence is found for the generalisability of the hypothesised interaction effects. We conclude that these buffering and amplifying interaction effects seem to be context dependent, i.e., dependent on measurement year and country or region. The practical implication of the study is that one may not assume that job resources buffer the negative effects of job demands on work stress. Thus, managing work stress is best helped by limiting work pressure and home-work interference.