Volume 26, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0169-2216
  • E-ISSN: 2468-9424


The Dutch labour relations in the 21-st century

The Dutch labour relations in the 21-st century

Developments during the first decade of the 21-st century had an impact on the Dutch 'Polder model' of labour relations, wherein consensus between employers, union and the government is stressed. First, national developments - i.e. flexibilisation and individualisation of labour relations - which were initiated in the last decade of the 20-th century, were continued in recent years. Second, spill over effects of European policy initiatives, such as of the harmonisation of European legislation, the introduction of the EMU, and the more autonomous position of the European Court of Justice, had an important impact on national labour relations. The final result is a tendency towards (continued) polarisation of labour relations wherein the control function of national policies is more and more influenced by the European Community.


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