oa Nieuwe zelfstandigen en onzekerheid over de arbeidsplaats
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, Volume 27, Issue 3, Sep 2011,
Independent contractors and job insecurity
In this article we test the hypothesis that independent contractors experience more job insecurity then employees with a permanent labour contract. We also compare causes and consequences of job insecurity between independent contractors and employees. Finally, we test for differences in the way self-efficacy acts as a buffer between job insecurity and its negative effects on work and well-being between these groups. In this article we use the data set of a 2006 study on sick leave benefits. Two national representative samples of independent contractors and employees with a permanent labour contract were selected from this data set. The results of our study indicate that independent contractors experience about the same amount of job insecurity as employees, and that there are only some differences in causes and consequences. Employees with a permanent contract experience more negative effects. Self-efficacy did not buffer the influence job insecurity on health and well-being in both groups.