Volume 31, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0169-2216
  • E-ISSN: 2468-9424


‘Onboarding’ new employees: solely a matter of traditional investing?

‘Onboarding’ new employees: solely a matter of traditional investing?

By reason of the increasingly flexible and transitional labour market, it seems relevant for organizations to optimize the introduction and integration of their new employees. According to management literature, organizations can succeed in this by investing in their onboarding process. This study focuses on how the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration introduces new employees. The central question is: ‘Do employees perform better and are they more committed as the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration invest in the onboarding process? This study includes an consideration of three important theoretical perspectives on attitude and behavior in organizations. An online questionnaire was conducted. 174 new employees that has been working within the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration for a maximum of 14 months are included in the sample. From several regression analyses it can be concluded that indirect investments are useful, the social embeddedness of new employees is both of positive and negative influence, the integration in the new organizational culture is positive if the culture is perceived as open and the way the first day is organized seems important.


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