oa Onder het oppervlak van alledaagse zorg (deel II)
Werken met het onderwaterscherm in de analyse van onderzoek naar de omgang tussen lvb-jongeren en hun zorgverleners
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: KWALON, Volume 21, Issue 2, Jun 2016,
Below the surface of everyday care (Part II): Working with the underwater screen in the analysis of research on interaction between lvb youth and their caregivers
In our qualitative research project we look at the everyday interaction between young people with a mild intellectual disability and their caregivers, and we are interested in the institutional impact on the everyday dealings. We have developed an analysis tool that helps identify these institutional influences. In addition, we have used the research methodology Institutional Ethnography. This tool also offers opportunities for other areas of research, because it sensitizes the researchers for the ruling relations that shape the everyday interaction between people. In Part 1 of this article (KWALON 2015, 3), we describe the development of our underwater screen. In this article (Part 2), we discuss the operation of the instrument.
© by the author
analysis tool;
care institutions;
institutional ethnography;
personal support plan;
young people with mild intellectual disabilities