Volume 43, Issue 93
  • ISSN: 0923-7771
  • E-ISSN: 2665-9492



The Russian Revolution of 1917 evoked a lot of enthusiasm within revolutionary groups in the Netherlands. Here they saw for the first time in history the building up of a real socialist society. One of these was the League of Christian-Socialists (), that was founded in 1907. Though the League welcomed the Russian Revolution there was also discussion, especially about the use of violence by the Bolsheviks. Three different groups came into being: those who rejected the use of violence (main representatives Truus Kruyt-Hogerzeil and Bart de Ligt), those who judged the use of violence in this situation acceptable (Anke van der Vlies), and the group that considered itself as Christian Bolsheviks (John William Kruyt). Their views are described and also the close connection between Kruyt as Member of Parliament (1918-1922) and the Communist Party. The different views were a main factor in the disintegration of the League that was dissolved in 1921.


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