Volume 32, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0960-2720
  • E-ISSN: 2666-9730



This paper seeks to establish the current situation in respect of Barth reception among evangelicals, focussing on Barth reception among evangelicals in Scotland. Describing my own theological pilgrimage, I noted that this reception involved a contrast between two Reformed ‘tribes’, the one centred on Cornelius Van Til (against Barth) and the other on T.F. Torrance (for Barth). In the early period of Van Til’s criticism of Barth, most evangelicals supported him. Today the state of affairs is very different, with Barth finding acceptance among perhaps a majority of evangelicals. I note that, for some evangelicals, critical differences remain on Scripture, on the nature of Reformed Theology, on election and on the atonement.


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