oa Boekbespreking: Oldenkamp, Loes, The trouble with inflection for adult learners of Dutch. A study of the L1-L2 interplay of morphosyntactic and phonetic-phonological factors. Utrecht, LOT, 2012. ISBN 978 9460 931 024. € 20,03 - Dokter vraagte, vader roepet en fiets vallen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Internationale Neerlandistiek, Volume 52, Issue 1, Feb 2014, p. 99 - 102
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Boekbespreking: Oldenkamp, Loes, The trouble with inflection for adult learners of Dutch. A study of the L1-L2 interplay of morphosyntactic and phonetic-phonological factors. Utrecht, LOT, 2012. ISBN 978 9460 931 024. € 20,03 - Dokter vraagte, vader roepet en fiets vallen, Page 1 of 1
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