oa Beeldmateriaal in kwalitatief sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: KWALON, Volume 26, Issue 1, Jan 2021, p. 33 - 41
Visuals in qualitative social science research
The visual is omnipresent in daily life. Though research is still mainly verbal by nature, visual studies and visual methods have become part of academic social research. This contribution intends to introduce visual methods to students and researchers who are not familiar with the possibilities. First, the reasons why researchers work with visuals are described. Next, following Pauwels (2010, 2020) we distinguish between visuals as data, as part of the data collection method and as output of research. Just like in any other research, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice are the guiding principles when making choices during the research process.
© Gabry Vanderveen