Volume 29, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1385-1535
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7324



The role of theory in qualitative research is completely different from that in quantitative research. It is also a continuous source of debate. In this article, the role of theory in qualitative research is clarified by discussing its role related to a) the conceptual or theoretical framework for conducting a qualitative study; b)- the choice for a theory-method approach, or the choice for a particular approach to qualitative research: c) the choice for a particular method of data collection or analysis. In qualitative research theoretical concepts are never leading, rather these are formulated as sensitizing concepts which can become more definite at the end of the research. The theory-method approach in qualitative research shows the influence of paradigmatic thinking, and it has impact on how research is carried out. The choice for a particular type of data-collection, for instance by semi-structured interviews, and for a particular type of data-analysis, for instance coding, influences the results and the perspective that is given about the studied reality. It is concluded that theory does play a role in qualitative research. It is guided by paradigmatic ways of thinking that supports in unravelling the (underlying) network structures of meanings of which groups of persons or persons make use of in everyday life.


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