Volume 29, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1385-1535
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7324



In this essay, an argument is made to reconsider the quantitative-qualitative distinction in social science research. To make this argument clear, three main issues are discussed: 1) quantitative and qualitative scientific research can generally be seen as a specific form of problem-solving; whereby 2) the dual mental-empirical character of human reality in the formulation of the problem and the conduct of the research as a systemic whole of both perspectives is recognized and applied; and 3) the choice for a more quantitative and/or qualitative approach is not, or at least not solely, determined by the interpretive versus causal nature of the problem statement, but more broadly by the intended scope and/or depth of the evidence. Based on a clarification of these three issues, it is concluded that the quantitative-qualitative distinction can be conceived of as an ideal-typical model. In the everyday research practice, there is a large diversity of good quantitative-qualitative mixed forms. Therefore, a choice between the two research practices cannot be conceived of as being mutually exclusive alternatives on a one-dimensional dimension. Rather, it concerns a flexible choice for the optimal mix of these alternatives in relation to the specific problem within a system.


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