oa (Con)tekst en commentaar - Zes wetenschappelijke publieksedities vergeleken
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Letterkunde, Volume 16, Issue 1, Jan 2011, p. 40 - 53
Based on a critical review of six recently published scholarly editions, this article assesses the present state of scholarly editing, or more precisely of popular print editions. A recent trend seems to be a shift towards editions-as-narratives that focus on ‘telling the story behind the text’ by means of contextualisation. Despite the undeniable importance of generally accepted guidelines, the cases that are being discussed show that the practice of scholarly editing calls for an individual approach rather than a standardized approach. ‘The’ universally valid scholarly editing method simply does not exist. Therefore, the most convincing and ‘complete’ text editions are those that place the art of scholarly editing in a larger research context.