oa De mannenfantasieën van Lucebert
De vroege poëzie van Bertus Swaanswijk/Lucebert gelezen in het licht van de biografische informatie over Swaanswijks oorlogsjaren
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Letterkunde, Volume 24, Issue 2, Sep 2019, p. 183 - 210
- 01 Sep 2019
Lucebert’s male fantasies. Bertus Swaanswijk/Lucebert’s early poetry read in the light of biographical information on Swaanswijk's war years
In his biography of Dutch poet Lucebert, biographer Wim Hazeu published fragments of letters in which young Bertus Swaanswijk, who worked in a German factory during World War 2, spoke positive about nazi-Germany and used antisemitic discourse. In this article, the early poems of Swaanswijk/Lucebert are analysed from the perspective of Klaus Theweleits theories on ‘male fantasies’ in texts written by early 20th century Freikorps soldiers. This analysis will be used to reflect on the question whether the biographical knowledge should influence our interpretation of Lucebert’s poetry.
© 2019 Amsterdam University Press