oa Perceptie van tussentaal in het gesproken Nederlands in Vlaanderen
Een experimentele benadering van saillantie
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 19, Issue 2, Sep 2014, p. 185 - 220
In this paper, the results of a salience experiment in Flanders are reported. 80 informants were subjected to a qualitative interview in which they were asked to evaluate seven audio recordings, spoken in several regional versions of tussentaal (literally ‘in-between-language’) or in Standard Dutch. The informants had to judge which language variety was spoken in the recordings and they had to motivate on which features they based their judgment of the language used. This paper aims to show that research on salience has almost exclusively focused on whether a linguistic item is salient or not and that not enough attention has been paid to interpersonal variation in salience.
© 2014 Amsterdam University Press