oa Grammar in the context of intersubjective usage
The linguistic work of Arie Verhagen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 21, Issue 3, Dec 2016, p. 395 - 407
For a scholar like Arie Verhagen, with his relentless curiosity and irrepressible research drive, retirement is merely an academic rite de passage and never a real retirement. Even so, the symbolic change of state is a fitting occasion to take stock of what has so far been achieved – pending further original contributions and novel insights. The following pages will first present a chronologically ordered overview of Arie Verhagen’s linguistic work, and then bring out the importance of his contributions by briefly situating them in a wider context. In a very rough outline, the development of Arie Verhagen’s linguistic thought may be characterized in three stages. (The references in the following pages are meant to be exemplary only. Drawing up, let alone discussing a comprehensive bibliography is beyond the reach of the present overview.)