oa Stilistische aspecten van want en omdat
Subjectiviteit van causale voegwoorden in narratieve fictie
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 21, Issue 3, Dec 2016, p. 433 - 444
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Verhagen (2000) showed that Dutch causal connectives want (‘for’) and omdat (‘because’) differ in their intersubjective configuration: want expresses conceptual distance between speaker and other conceptualizers, while omdat does not. In this article we analyze how this difference is exploited stylistically in Dutch narrative fiction. We employ a combined model of subjectivity, mental spaces and domains to show that both connectives allow ironic readings, but in different ways. Want enables the implicit narrator to blend between different subjects’ viewpoints, whereas omdat enables him to show how individual subjects reason within themselves. Both cases result in intersubjective constructions that evoke naive or otherwise tragicomical narrative characters, placed at a distance from narrator and reader.