Volume 25, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1384-5845
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1171



Flanders strongly encourages newcomers to take language courses to learn the official language, on the assumption that certified competence in Dutch will enhance integration. However, in Dutch L2-education the focus lies on Dutch, and this contrasts to everyday spoken encounters in Flanders, where Standard Dutch is rarely used. Despite the perceived importance of learning the official language of the host society, the attested contrast between policy and language reality has up to now not been given much attention. In this publication we go into the results of a linguistic-ethnographic study conducted with language learners living in East-Flanders. We show that non-standard Dutch used by L1-speakers of Dutch sometimes causes comprehension difficulties in their interactions with the language learners. Based on interactional and interview data, we reflect on the question if L2-education should pay more attention to non-standard Dutch in class.


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