oa Frequentie en luie-stoeltaalkunde
Een Friese taalkundige blikt terug op Nederlandse Taalkunde en op zichzelf
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Nederlandse Taalkunde, Volume 25, Issue 2-3, Oct 2020, p. 197 - 204
- 01 Oct 2020
Frequency and arm-chair linguistics. A Frisian linguist looks back on Dutch Linguistics and on himself
In this contribution I focus on a paper written by Maarten Lemmens on progressive constructions, which appeared in Dutch Linguistics (2015). This paper illustrates the usefulness of frequency in linguistic research convincingly. Additionally I discuss the tension within generative grammar between vision on the one hand and a methodologically adequate treatment of data on the other hand. Finally, I look back on my own activities as a linguist, presenting some personal thoughts about the question what the usefulness is of mediocrity.
© 2020 Amsterdam University Press