oa Nog eens de adpositionele constructies in het Nederlandse (en Friese) taalgebied
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Taal en Tongval, Volume 63, Issue 2, Jan 2011, p. 197 - 228
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Dutch has three kinds of adpositions: prepositions, postpositions and circumpositions (prepositions and postpositions can be compounds). In this contribution the semantic differences are discussed in connection with the regional ones. The discussion is restricted to expressions of “real movement”. Prepositions can be characterised as (static or dynamic) locative, postpositions as “trajective” and circumpositions as directional. As regards the regional differences, the south of the linguistic area has a preference for prepositions, the north(east) for circumpositions and the west for postpositions. The description and the maps are based on a written questionnaire filled in by 594 informants in the whole linguistic area.
© 2011 Amsterdam University Press