oa Wandel und Variation in der Morphosyntax der schweizerdeutschen Dialekte
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Taal en Tongval, Volume 66, Issue 1, Dec 2014, p. 21 - 64
Syntactic Variation and change in Swiss German dialects
The article deals with the areal distribution of morphosyntactic variants in Swiss German dialects. The Zurich project “Syntaktischer Atlas der deutschen Schweiz” (SADS) has provided a lot of evidence for the existence of syntactic isoglosses within the German-speaking regions of Switzerland. In the following, we will discuss several types of variant distribution. There are syntactic variables showing a division of Western and Eastern Swiss German dialects, a division well known from phonology and lexis. In addition, we find few archaic variants restricted to southern Highest Alemannic, again in line with other linguistic levels. Most interesting are some variants showing up in quite small – and differing – regions. These regions usually do not only show these specific variants but variation with a more common variant. This leads to a discussion of the implications of variation. Variation is not only seen as an indication of an ongoing change, but it is argued that there is evidence for a long lasting variational situation and largely stable variation respectively. Several possible types of comparison with older data and between age groups (apparent time analysis) within the data are presented. There are relatively few cases where we can show larger shifts between two regional variants and there seem to be only some rare cases of syntactic influence by Standard German introducing new variants. With respect to the old question of morphosyntactic borrowing, Swiss German dialects show cases of resistance as well as cases of interference, the latter concerning loan translation and semantic adaptation if the structure favors it.