Volume 76, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0039-8691
  • E-ISSN: 2215-1214



This study investigates the left peripheral uses of in Early New High German narratives and compares them to left peripheral in Dutch and English. In the German and Dutch Ponthus, tends to occur with adverbial elements and normally occupies a position immediately preceding the finite verb. English diverges from the Dutch and German both in its function and in the position it occupies within the clause. Interestingly, Dutch combines more frequently with adverbs than with adverbial clauses. This contrasts strongly with the use of in German, where the opposite is true. For this reason, the study further investigates the + pattern, and argues that it is not simply an extension of the resumptive function with adverbial clauses to adverbs. Instead, the adverbs seem to further specify how the following sentence connects to the preceding discourse.


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