oa Schieringers, Vetkopers en het einde van de Friese vrijheid - De historiografie van veten en partijen in een overgangssituatie
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Volume 123, Issue 2, May 2010, p. 254 - 267
Party strife between the Schieringers and Vetkopers in late-medieval Frisia west of the river Lauwers is poorly understood. This article initially follows the historiography on party strife in Frisia and then turns to modern discussions on feuding and power distribution in the same territory. It is suggested that we should look at the Frisian party strife between Schieringers and Vetkopers as a more public, more violent, and less local phenomenon than feuding. We should therefore dismiss some episodes that have in the past been described as party strife. In addition, early results from network-like studies show that the parties involved in party strife may have had a more constant character and may have been instrumental in the absence of party strife as well. What role ideology played in Frisian party strife remains an intriguing question.